Cultural practices involves all the activities carried out on the
farm before, during and after planting of crops. They are grouped
into: pre-planting, planting and post-planting operation.
1. PRE-PLANTING OPERATION: These are the operations done before
planting. They are:
a. Choice of site
b. Clearing of land
c. Stumping
d. Ploughing
e. Harrowing
f. Ridging
2. PLANTING OPERATION: These are activities done during planting. They are:
a. Planting
b. Transplanting
c. Nursary practices
3. POST-PLANTING OPERATION: These are the activities that are done
after planting. They are:
a. Thining
b. Supplying
c. Mulching
d. Manure or application
e. Watering
f. Weeding
g. Pest and disease control
h. Harvesting
i. Processing
j. Storage